Impact Group Marketing Blog

Archive by month: 2023-6Return
Whether you realize it or not, you encounter some form of AI every day. Statistics show that only 33% of people know they use AI daily. But in reality, nearly 77% actually use AI technology – not once but multiple times a day.
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Out-of-home (OOH) or outdoor advertising is a powerful business advertising method. Any advertising that reaches consumers outside their homes – billboards, vehicle wraps, street furniture, posters, etc. – helps you reach your target audience, raise brand awareness, and make an impact.
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Have you noticed that some website URLs begin with HTTP – while others start with HTTPS? The s stands for ‘secure encryption,’ which can only be guaranteed with an SSL certificate. If your business requires users to share sensitive and personal information, then it’s imperative to have a secured web connection.What is an SSL certificate?SSL stands for ‘secure sockets layer’ – it signifies that the connection between a browser and server has a higher leve...
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