Reputation Management for Business Growth

Is Your Online Reputation Hurting Your Business?


There is Real Value to Business Reviews

A recent survey found that 90% of consumers say that their buying decisions are influenced by online reviews. Customers and search engines make decisions about your brand every day based on your ratings and reviews. If you don’t pay attention to this important source of customer feedback, you could be leaving revenue on the table. 

Impact Group Marketing's Reputation Management solution identifies and addresses reputation shortcomings in addition to positively interacting with customers engaging with your brand. Services include review publishing, generation, response, and reporting. 

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Impact Group Marketing - Reputation Management - Online Reviews

Things to Know About Online Reviews

  • 68% of millennials trust online reviews, compared with 34% who trust television advertising.
  • Consumer reviews are “trusted” nearly twelve times more than manufacturer’s descriptions.
  • Approximately one-fifth of customers say they won’t purchase a product or service based on just one negative review; after three negative reviews it jumps to 59%.
  • Not all reviews are equal. Clearly, positive reviews are a good thing and negative reviews aren’t a good thing but having no reviews at all can also have a negative impact on business potential.
  • If you do receive negative reviews, the best response is to address them immediately and fix the problem. Studies suggest that when businesses replied to negative reviews on social media and online ratings sites, a third of those customers either deleted their original negative review or replaced it with a positive review.
  • Every additional “star” your business gets translates to a 5-9% increase in business or sales.
Learn More About Online Reviews



Check the Health of Your Business

Check the health of your online business information with help from our listings scan. Instantly see how your most critical location data and review information appears on Google, Yelp, Facebook and dozens more maps, apps, search engines, and directories.