Advertise Locally with Google Ads Services

Be the first of your competitors to reach locals with ads that appear above all search results.


What are Local Service Ads?

Local Service Ads are Google Ads that appear only in your local market when people in your area search for services like yours.

Ads include the name of your business, your rating, hours, location, and a call button so customers can contact you instantly. 

They also include a "Google Guaranteed" badge so prospective customers know your business is credible.

How Much Do They Cost?

Depending on your service and location, leads can start as low as $10/lead. You set the budget, so the cost per lead will not exceed your desired amount. 

Costs for your ad will vary by location and industry.

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Impact Group Marketing - Local Service Ads



Impact Group Marketing - Local Service Ads

How Can LSA Ads Help My Business Grow?

  • Be the first of your competitors to reach locals with ads that appear above all other search results. 
  • Attract more customers by making it easy for them to contact you through a one-click call button on the ad. 
  • Improve your business's credibility and earn customer trust by displaying a green "Google Screened" badge under your business's name on your ad.
  • Control your budget and only pay when a customer contacts your business through the ad, ensuring you get the most out of your money.

If you have questions about Local Service Ads and if it is the right marketing solution for your organization, contact Impact Group Marketing today!



If you are interested in running local service ads for your business and want to learn more, you can reach out to us via: