Why Do You Need a Social Media Manager?
07 Mar, 2017
Evolve Impact Group,
College Station,
social media | Social Media Management,
Social Media | 0 Comments |

Do you remember your first experience with social media? Some of us remember when Facebook first debuted in 2004, open exclusively to college students. It’s only been since September 2006 that anyone with a valid email address could set up a Facebook account. Ten years later, 79% of American adult internet users have a Facebook account. Also impressive is how frequently social media sites are accessed by their users. 78% of Facebook users log on daily, and 55% of those daily users log in more than once a day.
These statistics show that social media can be a powerful tool for your business to reach a large audience. Here are a few reasons why more small business owners are using a social media manager to help reach millions of potential customers.
It is time consuming to effectively manage multiple social media accounts each day. Managing an account consists of much more than writing and posting short sentences. It includes creating a posting calendar for each social media account, writing numerous posts each day, responding to any messages left on your timeline or sent privately by your customers, and regularly reviewing analytics to determine the best type of content to post and the best time to do so.
A social media manager can quickly respond to customer questions and complaints. Customers can post questions or comments at any time of day or night, and it’s important that they receive a timely response. The way in which your business interacts with your customers through social media defines your online reputation. A social media manager can ensure that your business is associated with quality customer service.
It is sometimes difficult to understand what constitutes a quality social media post. All posts should be designed to maximize impact. Social media managers have the experience to understand which types of posts will receive the most views. They regularly review analytic data and make strategic adjustments as needed. They also possess advanced graphic design skills. According to one study, social media posts that include graphics receive 94% more views than those without. If your business targets millennials or women, graphics are even more important. A social media manager can conceptualize and design high-quality images, sourcing and editing images as needed.
Evolve Impact Group offers personalized social media management solutions for your business to ensure improved market presence and sustainable, long-term impact in the marketplace. Contact us today to learn more!
Sources: http://www.pewinternet.org/2016/11/11/social-media-update-2016/, http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/why-you-need-social-media-management-company, https://www.forbes.com/forbes/welcome/?toURL=https://www.forbes.com/sites/jaysondemers/2015/06/08/5-skills-your-social-media-manager-must-have/&refURL=&referrer=#1e6bb75073f4