Archive by tag: trackingReturn
For local businesses, location data can be an effective and valuable marketing tool to help you reach your target audience. As consumer groups change and advertising becomes more expensive, location-based data allows you to advertise to audiences more likely to become customers – instead of marketing to those who are unlikely to buy from you. At Impact Group Marketing, we use geofencing and geotargeting to create a digital billboard for your business that targets potential customers.
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If you currently use Google Analytics, you know Google recently revealed that they’re replacing Universal Analytics with Google Analytics 4 (GA4). To learn more about GA4 or what you can do to ensure your data and analytics are set up correctly to help you make data-driven decisions for your business, contact Impact Group Marketing today.
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In today’s saturated online world, your business’ website is crucial to your overall success. Developing a website that is visually pleasing to visitors is only the beginning. We want to help you take your website to the next level by establishing a clear call-to-action and then understand how to track your conversions. When your website thrives, so will your business.
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