Archive by tag: eigReturn
We’re so excited to let you know that we’ve changed our company name to Impact Group Marketing! We believe in honest and transparent communication, so we’d love to explain to you why we decided to make that change. First, we want to assure you that we are the same organization with the same awesome leadership, ownership, and staff! Our name is different, but the quality service we provide is still the same!
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Evolve Impact Group would like to welcome Callie Clayton to the Evolve Impact Group Team. Callie joined the Evolve team in March of 2018 as a content writer and editor. Currently, she develops content for our digital marketing clients including blog articles and email marketing content.
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Creating the perfect design for your next marketing project isn’t enough to ensure a perfect final product. You must also consider what type of paper to use. Often, people incorrectly assume that choosing the highest quality paper available in their price range is the way to go. Instead, you should use the most appropriate paper for your specific project
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Social media can be a powerful tool for your business to reach a large audience. Here are a few reasons why more small business owners are using a social media manager to help reach millions of potential customers.
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