Archive by tag: brandReturn
As a digital marketing company, we place a lot of emphasis on digital design and marketing. However, our driving vision is to be “your source for impactful digital AND print marketing solutions.” Your unique branding and design are important and relevant in both the digital and print realm. We believe that traditional marketing has a very real place today even in the digital age.
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As a small business owner, startup costs are a concern and it’s important to be financially responsible. However, cutting corners when designing your marketing materials can be a costly mistake. Quality graphic design requires a creative expert. A professional graphic designer will know the best approach to sharing your business information with your potential customers. Here are five reasons why you should rely on a professional graphic designer for your marketing materials.
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For entrepreneurs, creating a logo is one of the first steps to building your brand. Your logo is the foundation of your brand. But your brand is much more than a logo. Your brand is your customer’s overall perception of your business. Brand building is a process, but the ongoing effort will lead to long-term customer relationships, essential for a successful small business. Here are five keys to working with your brand.
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Congratulations! You’ve decided to become an entrepreneur and start your own business! But now what? One of the first things you must do to achieve success is to build your brand. What’s a brand? Your brand is much more than a logo. Your brand is your customer’s overall perception of your business. Brand building is a process, but the ongoing effort will lead to long-term customer relationships, essential for a successful small business.
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In previous posts, we have highlighted the importance of a social media presence for your business. Facebook recently announced that they now have over TWO BILLION active users. Social media can be a valuable tool to build your brand’s reputation if used correctly. It can also negatively impact your brand’s reputation if used incorrectly. To make an impact, it’s useful to remember that social media activity involves both posting engaging content and responding to those who reach out to you.
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