
I Need a Website for My Business - Now What?

In each of the following scenarios, how likely are you to rely on an internet search, at least in part, to help find the right business for the job?

  • Your hot water heater isn’t working.
  • A new driver rear-ends you on the way home from work and you need a reputable body shop.
  • You and your two pit-bulls are looking for a pet-friendly apartment complex.
  • You want to take your new fiancée out for a nice dinner while on vacation.

More than likely, for each of these situations, Google is a part of the solution. Even if your first thought was to ask someone for a recommendation, it’s likely that you would then search for the business name given to verify the business’s existence, availability, and credibility. Therefore, having a website for your business is essential, as we discussed in our last blog post.

But now what? Do you create your own website? Hire someone? Who? How much do you spend? Here are a few common mistakes small business owners make when it comes to website creation.

They create their own website for “free”.
If you do a Google search for “create a website”, the first thing that pops up is an ad claiming, “Create a stunning website! It’s easy and free!”. There are many issues with free websites; they’re slow, are often only free for a limited amount of time, and unless you want an unprofessional domain name like “mysmallbusiness.Freewebsite.com”, you will have to pay for a domain name. The companies that offer free websites are ultimately in control of your website - not you. They can post irrelevant ads or even delete your information. A much better plan is to involve experts in your website design. Kevin Crenshaw, CEO of Evolve Impact Group, uses this analogy. “You wouldn’t build your own house. Instead, you would rely on a team of experts with previous homebuilding experience. You would rely on their expertise to execute your ideas and offer suggestions.”

They spend too little on a website.
“Beware of things that seem too good to be true - they probably are!” This life lesson applies to nearly everything, including websites. Websites less that $1000 will most likely be cheap, unprofessional templates. Beware of hidden fees; initial low rates may require numerous additional costs to achieve the website you want. Be sure to ask for clarification on what a quoted rate includes.

They spend too much on a website.
One of the incorrect assumptions people often make is that more expensive things are always better than things that cost less. This is untrue when it comes to many things in life. (Case in point - have you ever had an amazing meal at an inexpensive restaurant? Paid too much for an average meal at a fancy restaurant?) Websites are no different. Don’t make the mistake of paying too much for your website! More than likely, a moderately priced website will meet the needs of your business. At Evolve Impact Group, our professional website packages start at $1800 ($150 a month). At $5 a day, this may cost less than your coffee habit!

Focusing on the wrong priorities during the design process (or hiring the wrong company).
Your goal isn’t to have a pretty website, it’s to sell something! While websites should be visually pleasing, website creation includes much more than graphic design. Even if the website is aesthetically pleasing, it won’t be effective unless your potential customers can find it. Quality websites are more than just billboards - they interact with search engine marketing and social media and they are easily accessible on different devices.  It’s important that you hire a team of experts, such as those at Evolve Impact Group, who not only understand how to convert visitors to your website into customers, but also fully understand how to use social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and AdWords to drive traffic to your website.

Do you need help establishing or improving your small business’s digital presence? Evolve Impact Group offers personalized website development and content writing solutions for your business to ensure improved market presence and sustainable, long-term impact in the marketplace. 

Sources: http://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/36-reasons-why-having-a-free-website-is-a-bad-idea/, https://thomasdigital.com/2013/09/13/6-dumbest-mistakes-smart-people-make-when-hiring-a-website-designer/

