Impact Group Marketing Blog

Archive by month: 2023-1Return
The new website for the Emotion Science Lab at Texas A&M was built by Impact Group Marketing. Led by Dr. Heather Lench, the Emotion Science Lab seeks to find the connection between emotion and decision-making and the relationship between emotion and perception of the future.
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Wondering how much you should spend on your digital marketing budget? You’re not alone – it’s a common question for companies big and small. At Impact Group Marketing, we are passionate about digital marketing. So, how do you determine an effective digital marketing budget for 2023?
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Did you know that over three billion people worldwide use social media every month? It’s become part of our culture and daily lives. And it’s where you’ll find your target audience. Here are five top reasons why it should be an integral part of your marketing strategy according to Impact Group Marketing.
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College students represent a huge demographic in the U.S. As a local business, you’ll have 4-5 years to develop marketing and branding specific to this college group. And Gen Z is a digitally native generation – they are always online engaging with peers, shopping, and consuming content. At Impact Group Marketing we have identified 7 effective strategies for reaching college students through the power of marketing.
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