
Social Media Tip: Simple Ways to Stop Instagram Spam

Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms for businesses. However, since most business accounts compete to get more followers, fake Instagram accounts and bots have increased. In fact, a new study shows there are now 95 million bot accounts. So, how do you stop the annoying Instagram spam followers, likes, comments, tags, and messages? Keep reading!

How to Stop Instagram Spam Followers?

Spam followers are one of the worst types of Instagram spam. Fortunately, you can stop these spam followers in three simple steps:

1. Set Your Account to Private – This way, when you get spam requests, you can choose not to let them follow you.

2. Turn Off Instagram Follow Suggestions – You can decrease the number of Instagram spam followers by preventing Instagram from suggesting similar accounts. Open the Instagram website on your desktop or phone, then open your settings and uncheck the related box.

3. Report and Block Instagram Spam Followers – Finally, report spam followers to Instagram and block their accounts from sending you repeated requests. It’s crucial to follow through with this step because Instagram will delete the spam account if there are other reports.

How to Stop Spam Likes on Instagram?

This step is easy because they can’t like your posts once you make your account private and delete any spam follow requests. However, if you need to keep your account public, you’ll have to identify each spam like and report them individually to Instagram.

How to Stop Spam Comments on Instagram?

Instagram has a feature that helps you stop inappropriate and unwanted comments. Follow these steps on your Instagram app:

1. Open Settings and go to the Privacy section.

2. Tap on Comments.

3. You can choose to receive or block comments from specific followers. You can also filter comments that contain certain words.

If you currently manage an Instagram business account and don’t want other people to advertise their business in your comments, we recommend you filter the following comments – follow me, free followers, check out, like for like, want followers, free, and check my page. You’ll reduce a lot of spam comments by filtering these words – even without blocking anyone.

How to Stop Spam Tags on Instagram?

As with comments, you can avoid spam tags and mentions in inappropriate posts – which helps you maintain a professional business account. Follow these steps to stop tags in spam posts:

1. Open Settings, go to the Privacy section and tap on Tags.

2. You can choose if you want to be tagged by your followers or not. You can also choose to accept tags manually, just like follow or DM requests.

Instagram also allows you to edit existing tags. So, if there are posts you don’t want to be tagged in, you can remove or hide them.

Follow similar steps to stop Instagram mentions. All you do is tap on the Mentions item from the Privacy settings and choose the options you want.

How to Stop Spam DMs on Instagram?

If you receive an annoying number of messages asking you to become an Instagram brand ambassador, you can stop them by changing your DM settings.

Open your Privacy settings and go to the Messages section. Here you can choose to only receive messages from those you follow.

Bottom Line

Unfortunately, we can’t eliminate fake accounts and bots, but a trained eye can tell whether an Instagram account is operated by a human or not. If you don’t have time every day to monitor your posts’ comments, our social media team can manage it for you. We’ll protect your business and your followers by monitoring your feed and helping you grow a supportive community that fosters genuine engagement. Contact Impact Group Marketing in College Station and learn more about our social media marketing services.

