3rds Mobile Cigar Lounge takes what was once a hobby and turns it into a passion through the reintroduction of the enjoyment of meeting and conversing with people of diverse interests and backgrounds. Their new way of enjoying high-quality tobacco products offers a cigar lounge experience that owners Renee and Eric Castro hope will bring “great times and wonderful memories to the Brazos Valley” to all who take part.

Their new website includes a list of award-winning cigar brands that 3rds Mobile Cigar Lounge offers, for customers to browse through before booking. Website visitors can also view photos from events on the “Gallery” tab, where they will also find links to the social media accounts for 3rds MCL in order to stay connected. On the “Resources” tab, visitors will find an FAQs page on everything from brands to services provided.

Impact Group Marketing built this new site using the WordPress content management system, allowing for page-by-page customization with ease. The website is also responsive to tablet and mobile devices, making it easily accessible while on the go. For more information about Impact Group Marketing's website development services, please contact us today at 979-383-2965.

